Yes, this tax can save your life

Cigarettes kill. There is no doubt in the minds of scientists, clinicians, or even smokers. Armed with that fact, why is it so hard for America to kick the habit?

A brief report in the November 29, 2012 NEJM from the Congressional Budget Office models the effect of a 50 cent per pack increase in the federal excise tax on cigarettes (currently the rate is $1.01 per pack).

By 2021:

  • 1.4 million adults would become nonsmokers
  • 10,000 adults would have lived who otherwise would have died from smoking
  • $730 million in reduced health costs to Medicare and Medicaid
  • $700 million of increased revenues from increased economic productivity

By 2085:

  • 3 million adults would become nonsmokers
  • 200,000 adults would be alive instead of dead because of the policy change
  • During the mid-2060’s the initial cost savings for health care would be offset by increased costs due to longevity
  • Health effects and excise tax revenue combined would reduce the federal deficit throughout the entire time frame

Here’s the money shot:

Clearly, health and fiscal policy dictate that the federal excise tax on cigarettes should continue to climb. In a prior review, we suggest (in 2010 dollars).

For a more detailed explanation download the full CBO report here.

Baumgardner, JR, et al. “Cigarette taxes and the federal budget – Report from the CBO.” NEJM 2012; 367: 2068-2070.


Cedric Dark, MD, MPH