Medicaid expands for adults

As of January 1st, the Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid eligibility requirements to include adults living at or below 138% of the federal poverty level (about $15,000 per year for an individual). However, several state and local governments, including California, Minnesota, Connecticut, and Washington D.C., took advantage of Continue Reading …

A Policy Prescription for 2014

Regardless of what you think about the Affordable Care Act, and regardless of whether or not you are hoping for its ultimate failure or success, even under optimal conditions, it will fall far short of the goal the Institute of Medicine Continue Reading …

Medicaid Increases ER Visits

This Policy Prescriptions® review is written by Dr. Seth Trueger. He blogs at and can also be found via Twitter @MDAware or tweeting for Emergency Physicians Monthly @epmonthly.  In 2008, Oregon had some limited funding to expand their Medicaid program. Given the limited funding, they held Continue Reading …